Economic Cooperation with Nanning
Discussion with Dalian Mayor re future Exchanges
Chang addressed the International Economic Forum in Dalian
Chang Signed Friendship City Agreement with Beijing Changping for future Economic Cooperation
Chang Signed Friendship City Agreement with Tanggu City for future economic Cooperation
Chang and Mayor Elihu Harris signed Friendship City Agreement with Beihai City
Trade Discussion in China
Port Cooperation with Guangxi Province
Trade Discussion - Signed Agreement
Song Shan Shaolin Temple Abbot
Signed Friendship City Agreement
Chang Sponsored the 2000 China Trade Fair in Oakland
Henry Chang was appointed
The Central government had combined the top 9 Ministries into one National Commission to work to promote the country's traditional medicine to the outside world
Wang Guojun -
Managing Director / Secretary General
Henry Chang Jr. is a founding member of the World Natural Medicine Foundation. We met in Beijing in 2001 to established this world wide organization together with the Lama Gangchen World Peace Fdn. & World Health Organization (WHO)
Chang is from California, USA. |